Have you ever seen a woman about ready to pull her hair out and jump up and down and scream because nothing she does pleases her darling 20 month old son! IF Not you do not have to go far because here I am. I have reached the point that I am ready to run out the door and run down the street as fast As i can screaming at the top of my lungs. Alex is not sure what he wants and so he just screams. IF I give him a cracker it is not the right cracker. If I pick him up to hold him and try to comfort himj he just screams louder and wiggles until I put him down. Trying to get the laundry down when he wants your full undivided attention is not easy and trying to get the house clean is near impossible when all he wants is to be held. Then when I sit down with him to cuddle him becasue my back is about to break becasue he is such a good sized boy he screams becasue he wants mommy to be holding him. This goes on all day and then at night he finally goes to sleep and is so precious it makes being a stressed out mommy all worth it to see the little angel fast asleep.
I love being a mommy but its days like these that I really question my sanity. But when a little one curls up in your arms asleep and peaceful at last it makes all the hair pulling and screaming worth it. Now I just need to find time to unwind before I have to get up in the morning and my hectic day starts all over again.
sounds stressful! you'll make it through!