Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sleepless still Mommy monster

I do not know what it is about night time but alexander after I put him to bed at 8:00 wakes up at midnight and screams for the rest of the night. If he is with me he is fine but thinks it is play time. I am so tired that it is very diffucult to function. Because Alex screams all night he wakes up benjamin and benjamin climbs into my bed and sleeps there the rest of the night. With out sleep I am turning into a zombie and It is very hard to have patience with my boys. Then when it is morning Alexander is as charming as can be and I'm the one who is a monster.

1 comment:

  1. I have a feeling that my kids will have early memories of Mommy as a crabby witch with no patience who likes to yell. I sometimes pray that they will have memory loss.
