Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 19. What do you think of politics?

What Do I think about Politics. I think that it is sad that the Silent Majority in the united States stays silent until they get really mad at what is going on in Washington. Why is it that the liberal minorities are getting their way by going through the courts. This is ridiculous. We live in a land that says that it is democratic but if we let the minority win we are going to end up with Socialism. I for one do not want to live somewhere where the government forces me to have insurance and forces me to see a doctor and forces me to be healthy their way. I for one do not like doctors. I was given a brain and I intend to use it to keep my self healthy. There are other ways of getting well that do not force me to take pills that will kill me faster then if i had never gone to the doctor in the first place. I do not want to live in a place that forces me to vaccainate my children in order for them to be "accepted" in to school. I will not risk the health of my children in order to conform to the governments idea of Health care. Just because someone has a lot of money does not mean that they will make a good politicians. It seems that as soon as a person gets into a place of power they lose sight of all the little people that the pledged to protect and help. Forgive me for ranting but remember these are just my opinions. You are welcome to yours and If you disagree with me that is okay too.

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